Renfrew County Occasional Teacher Local

We represent approximately 200 Occasional Teachers working for the Renfrew County District School Board.  The Local protects the rights of our members, negotiates and safeguards collective agreements, and provides professional development activities.

We teach all elementary grades and subjects. Our assignments may be as short as half a day or as long as one year. The Occasional Teachers in our Local are all certified, qualified, professional teachers who teach in the absence of our regular teacher colleagues.

Executive Nomination Form

In an election year, or between elections if there has been a call to fill vacancies, this is the form you use to express interest and register your nomination to serve on the Local Executive.

Executive Nomination Form

Your Local Executives

for 2020 – 2022 !

Elaine Neigel


Christina Donohue

Interim- Vice President

Michelle Jaques


Empty Position


Empty Position

Member at Large

Who we are

Teach for the future

ETFO Support
The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), our parent organization, represents over 78,000 members who are public elementary school teachers, occasional teachers, designated early childhood educators, educational support personnel and professional support personnel.

These dedicated professionals work in over 2,600 schools across Ontario. They teach, support, and inspire almost one million children ranging in age from four to 14 years.

Professional Services
Along with providing protective and professional services for these members, ETFO promotes equity and social justice within our education system and broader society.

Standing Committees
Consider getting involved in your union by applying to a standing committee. Serving on a committee will provide you with the opportunity to share your expertise and have a voice within your union.